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在 EndoVascular Health Services,我们旨在通过提供专注于优化循环健康的个性化血管护理来提高我们所服务的每个人的生活质量。我们是在我们服务的社区的替代门诊环境中进行的一线微创血管和血管内手术的主要提供者。


EndoVascular Health Services 通过提供当日/次日预约服务,方便您接触到全国最优秀的血管专业人士。通过我们的社区外展活动,我们提供患者教育,旨在提高患者的整体生活质量,并让患者积极参与他们的医疗保健需求。  


我们获得董事会认证的医生是血管内护理领域的领导者,也是精通为改善生活而开发的最新技术的专家。 EndoVascular Health Services 旨在教育和告知我们的患者最新的行业突破,以帮助规划他们的个人治疗需求。


Dr. Gregory Crenshaw

Chief Medical Officer

Gregory D. Crenshaw,医学博士,FACS 是一名获得委员会认证的普通血管和血管内外科医师。他是密西西比州克伦肖人,毕业于密西西比州马克斯的奎特曼县高中。

Crenshaw 博士以优异的成绩毕业于明尼苏达州圣彼得的古斯塔夫阿道夫学院,并在那里获得了生物学本科学位。大学毕业后,他回到家就读于密西西比大学,在那里他获得了医学博士学位(MD),并在那里完成了家庭实践的住院医师和董事会认证。

他搬到了新奥尔良,并在奥克斯纳诊所基金会完成了普通外科住院医师和血管外科奖学金。然后,他就读于杜兰大学,并获得了商业硕士学位 (MBA)。

在 Ochsner Clinic 接受培训期间,Crenshaw 博士进行了食管癌治疗方面的研究,并参与了颈动脉疾病治疗方面的研究。他获得了 Alton Ochsner 领导奖,该奖授予体现临床和领导卓越的住院医师/研究员。他因一篇关于颈动脉内膜切除术经济学的杰出临床论文获得了南方血管外科协会的主席奖。

Crenshaw 博士目前担任 EndoVascular Health Services 的首席医疗官 (CMO)。他在路易斯安那州新奥尔良、路易斯安那州科文顿和克利夫兰密西西比中心执业。他还拥有在德克萨斯州和宾夕法尼亚州行医的有效执照。他在路易斯安那州梅泰里的东杰斐逊医院、新奥尔良东部医院和路易斯安那州科文顿的湖景地区医疗中心工作。 Crenshaw 博士是美国医学协会和血管外科学会的成员。他还是美国外科学院的院士。

Crenshaw 博士对肢体抢救和外周动脉疾病 (PAD) 的治疗充满热情。他还专门从事透析通路的创建和维护,并以在他所从事的领域照顾这些人群而感到自豪。此外,他还治疗腿部静脉疾病,包括但不限于:静脉曲张、腿部肿胀和深静脉疾病。 Crenshaw 博士擅长在门诊和住院环境中治疗 PAD 和透析装置的开放式和经皮/血管内方法。


Crenshaw 博士是新奥尔良圣徒队的狂热粉丝,他喜欢沉浸在家乡密西西比州和收养城市新奥尔良的文化中。他是一名休闲跑步者,喜欢锻炼。他是生活的学生,并且不断地学习。

Dr. Eric L. Hall

Dr. Hall is a Board Certified, fellowship-trained VIR physician.  He was raised in south Louisiana having received his BS, MS and MD from Louisiana State University.  His post-graduate affiliations include LSUHSC, Medical College of Wisconsin, and University of Florida.  As an expert in imaging, image guided procedures, and the treatment of vascular disease, Dr. Hall’s career spans more than a decade performing over 100 unique procedures.  His current focus includes complex peripheral arterial disease, limb salvage, aortoiliac occlusive disease, pedal loop reconstruction, endovascular embolization, treatment of vertebral compression fractures and dialysis access maintenance.  The combination of Dr. Hall’s training and experience in conjunction with atypically high success rates/rare complications have helped establish his position as a highly regarded endovascular specialist.  He is fierce in ensuring his patients receive the highest level of care while being treated like family.

Jordyn Manuel, CRNP

Jordyn Manuel is a family nurse practitioner serving the New Orleans and Covington areas. Prior to joining EVHS in November 2021, Jordyn became a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner with the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners in 2020.

Jordyn obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Our Lady of the Lake College, in conjunction with Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in 2015.  Jordyn practiced as a registered nurse at the Lake Regional Medical Center Emergency Room.

In December 2019, Jordyn graduated with a Masters of Science in Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN-FNP) from the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. While completing her master’s program, Jordyn worked as a registered nurse in Interventional Radiology, investing her time in caring for patients through procedures such as fistulagrams, arteriograms, dialysis catheter insertions, among many others; finding a passion for vascular surgery.

Residing in her hometown of St. Amant, LA, Jordyn enjoys spending time with family, riding horses, and traveling the world. Jordyn is excited to meet new patients and remains passionate about helping them achieve their own life goals by improving their quality of life, whether it is short term or long term.


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Amanda Hill,
Nurse Practitioner

Amanda is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner who has cared for patients in the vascular setting for over 12 years. She obtained an Associate of Science Degree in Nursing from Mississippi Delta Community College in 2013, received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree from Delta State University in 2014, and earned a Master of Science in Nursing Degree from Mississippi University for Women in 2017.


In 2011, Amanda began her vascular career as a vascular screening technician and helped perform Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) screenings in various clinical settings throughout the Mississippi Delta. Upon becoming a registered nurse, she accepted a full-time nursing position at Vascular Access Center of Bolivar Conty which enabled her to provide more in-depth patient care within the outpatient vascular setting. As a registered nurse, she traveled to various endo-vascular surgery locations across the United States to assist other teams in need of vascular clinical expertise support. Amanda also continued to advance her education during this time by obtaining her Bachelors and then her Masters degree. While in FNP School, she was awarded Mississippi University for Women Clinical Excellence Award, which was the top honor in the program. She reached her ultimate career goal after becoming a Nurse Practitioner. After receiving many job opportunities in other specialties, Amanda chose to continue pursuing her passion for patient care in the vascular setting.


Amanda, her husband, and their two children reside in Glendora, MS. She is dedicated to helping each patient achieve optimal vascular outcomes with an overall improvement in his or her quality of life.

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